Obtaining sufficient insight on the system performance is often prerequisite to improvement. However, due to the complexity of the ecosystem is it truly cumbersome to gain sufficiently in-depth understanding of the system characteristics and performance. As much as it is invaluable to know the key stakeholders it is also crucial to understand their interrelations and connections to the global advances.
Ecosystem analysis, mapping, performance monitoring and ex-ante and ex-post evaluation vis-a-vis global developments provide comparative and longitudinal information for improved understanding on the performance of the ecosystem. This can be achieved with quantitative analyses based on documentation and statistical information combined with more qualitative analyses of stakeholder perceptions, for instance.
With foresight we refer to future-oriented intelligence and vision-building processes aimed at enabling joint actions. The global economy, new technologies and increasing impact of human activities in nature have brought us with a new magnitude of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA). Foresight helps you navigate in such an environment. With foresight you create improved understanding of the innovation system, develop your networks and new partnerships; upgrade your innovation activities.
Tailored foresight processes can be designed to meet specific needs building on our attested foresight tools and methodologies from broad horizon scanning to targeted intelligence analysis, from exploratory technology maps, technology scouting, online platforms and scenario workshops to normative roadmapping and multi-criteria/portfolio tools in support of decision-making.

Expectations and assumptions for the future in Horizon Europe
The CEO of IFI, Totti Könnölä conducted with Philine Warnke and Ralph Gutknecht, from the Fraunhofer ISI a study on “Expectations and assumptions for the future in the Work Programme 2021-2022 of Horizon Europe”. The study scanned the HE Work Programme 2021- 2022 for assumptions and expectations about the future and conducted a Delphi survey […]

International analysis on mission-oriented instruments
At the Insight Foresight Institute, we have recently conducted a study for ENISA – Empresa Nacional de Innovacion, S.A. on this subject focusing on initiatives launched by public sector entities. Our mapping points to initiatives that explicitly address mission orientation and ecosystem-based approaches to a greater or lesser extent. Our work helps to understand how mission-oriented innovation initiatives operate and everything that actually happens, from the pre-planning stages to the moment they are launched, and we start to see short- and long-term results, going through all the necessary economic, political and social organization and management to make each initiative happen.

Transformative governance of innovation ecosystems
The CEO of IFI, Totti Könnölä publishes with Aalto University professors in a leading research journal ‘Technological Forecasting and Social Change’ a paper on transformative governance of innovation ecosystems. New lens for policy and management The framework of transformative governance developed in the paper, offers a powerful new lens for policy and management contexts which […]

Transformative governance of personal health ecosystems
Invited speech of Dr. Totti Könnölä, CEO inf Insight Foresight Institute in the scientific conference ‘Bioengineering for Healthy Ageing. Adding Life to Years’ November 9th 2017, CosmoCaixa Barcelona. Future personal health ecosystems encompass various areas of application such as chronic disease management, life-style management, independent living and emergency services. Such future systems assist in the […]

Corporative Innovation in Spain: Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Venturing
Insight Foresight Institute has prepared a research on corporate innovation in Spain in connection with the E2I2 Forum (Education, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Investment) coordinated by the Royal Academy of Engineering. The project consisted of: i) a study of the literature on intrapreneurship, innovation and corporate entrepreneurship, iii) verification of the data with public material, and […]